Roasted Pumpkin Seeds: A Healthy and Flavorful Snack

Read to learn the fantastic health benefits of pumpkin seeds, and simple, but flavor-packed recipes

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds: A Healthy and Flavorful Snack
Roasted Pumpkin Seed Recipes

Roasted pumpkin seeds are an excellent healthy snack choice, packed with nutrients and a satisfying crunch. Read on to learn the fantastic health benefits of pumpkin seeds, and simple, but flavor-packed recipes that will have you craving more!

Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds may be small, but they pack a powerful punch when it comes to health benefits. These little seeds are a great source of vitamins, including vitamin B, vitamin E, and magnesium. They also contain zinc, and are high in fiber!

Vitamin B

Vitamin B is crucial for our health and well-being, as it plays a pivotal role in cell metabolism. It aids in the conversion of food into energy, the creation of new blood cells, and also supports brain function. Consuming a diet rich in Vitamin B can lead to improved energy levels, better cognitive performance, and enhanced immune function.

Pumpkin seeds are an excellent source of this vital nutrient. A 1-ounce (28 grams) serving of shelled, roasted pumpkin seeds contains about 2 milligrams of Vitamin B. Therefore, incorporating pumpkin seeds into your diet can greatly contribute to meeting your daily Vitamin B requirements.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is another essential nutrient that holds a multitude of health benefits. Acting predominantly as an antioxidant, it assists in protecting the body from the damaging effects of free radicals, thus reducing the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer. In addition, it bolsters the immune system, aids in maintaining healthy skin and eyes, and even plays a role in the prevention of cognitive decline.

As for pumpkin seeds, they serve as a great source of Vitamin E as well. A 1-ounce (28 grams) serving of shelled, roasted pumpkin seeds contains about 2.18 milligrams of Vitamin E, making them an excellent addition for those looking to meet their daily Vitamin E intake. By incorporating pumpkin seeds into your regular diet, you can reap both the benefits of Vitamins B and E.


Magnesium is yet another essential nutrient that our body needs for optimal functioning. It plays a crucial role in many biochemical reactions, including energy production, protein formation, gene maintenance, and nervous system regulation. Moreover, magnesium is known for its benefits in improving exercise performance, fighting depression, lowering blood pressure, and preventing migraines.

When it comes to pumpkin seeds, they are a powerhouse of magnesium. A 1-ounce (28 grams) serving of shelled, roasted pumpkin seeds provides approximately 150 milligrams of magnesium. This makes pumpkin seeds a superb dietary source for those wishing to boost their magnesium intake. So, by integrating pumpkin seeds into your regular diet, you are not only enhancing your intake of Vitamins B and E, but also enriching your diet with magnesium.


A high fiber diet can help maintain bowel health, reduce the risk of developing heart disease and type 2 diabetes, and assist in achieving a healthy weight. Fiber achieves these benefits by helping to normalize bowel movements, lower cholesterol levels, control blood sugar levels, and make you feel full, thereby aiding in weight management.

Pumpkin seeds, with their shell, are a fantastic source of dietary fiber. One ounce (28 grams) of whole pumpkin seeds (with shells) provides approximately 5 grams of fiber, which is almost 20% of the recommended daily intake for adults. Incorporating pumpkin seeds into your diet can significantly contribute to your daily fiber intake, supporting overall digestive health and more.


Zinc is a vital nutrient that plays many important roles in your body. It aids in cell growth, DNA synthesis, immune function, and metabolism. It also helps with the healing of wounds and is essential for your sense of taste and smell. Studies have shown that zinc may reduce inflammation and risk of certain age-related diseases. Moreover, it's necessary for the activity of over 300 enzymes that aid in digestion and metabolism.

Pumpkin seeds are a good source of zinc. An ounce (28 grams) of shell-free pumpkin seeds contains about 2.2 mg of zinc. This is 20% of the recommended daily intake for adults. By incorporating pumpkin seeds into your diet, you can enrich your zinc intake, supporting a multitude of bodily functions including prostate health.

Prostate Health

Pumpkin seeds also have proven beneficial for men's health, particularly in terms of prostate health. They are rich in beta-sitosterol, a plant compound that may help relieve symptoms associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), a condition in which the prostate gland enlarges, causing problems with urination. Furthermore, the high zinc content in pumpkin seeds is important for prostate health, as low levels of zinc are associated with higher risk for prostate diseases. Incorporating pumpkin seeds into your diet is thus a delicious and nutritious way to support overall prostate health.

Whether you snack on them alone, sprinkle them on your salad, or add them to your morning smoothie, these tasty seeds can help keep your body running smoothly.

So, next time you carve a pumpkin for Halloween, don't throw away those seeds. They might just be the key to a healthier you!

Basic Pumpkin Seed Recipes

Pumpkin seeds are easy to roast. It is a fun activity for kids of all ages after carving pumpkins. Once you separate the seeds from the pumpkin "guts" and strings, and give them a good rinse, you are good to go.

I would suggest giving them a few hours of drying time on a clean towel or paper towel to reduce your cooking time and get nice, crispy seeds! I usually lay them out on a wax or parchment covered baking sheet, cover loosely with paper towel and let them dry overnight. Some seeds will stick to the paper towel, but they should be relatively easy to pick off.

Here are basic recipes for both savory and sweet pumpkin seeds. Use your imagination for fun additions, and feel free to alter the recipes to your taste!


Seasoned Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

Prep time: 15 minutes (up to 4 hours drying time for best results)
Cook time: 1-2 hours
Total time: 1-6 hours
Cuisine: Snack Paired with your favorite beverage, these savory seeds make the perfect midday snack or party appetizer!


  • 2-3 cups raw pumpkin seeds, cleaned, rinsed, dried
  • 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
  • 3 tablespoons butter, melted
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon onion powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Carefully separate seeds from any pumpkin pieces and strings. Rinse pumpkin seeds in warm water and pat them dry using a paper towel or clean cloth.
  2. Spread the seeds on a parchment-lined baking sheet. For best results, allow them to dry for 2-4 hours or until they are completely dry.
  3. Preheat your oven to 250 degrees Fahrenheit (120 degrees Celsius).
  4. In a small bowl, stir together the melted butter, Worcestershire sauce, and dry ingredients.
  5. Drizzle this mixture over the dried pumpkin seeds on the baking sheet.
  6. Stir the seeds well, ensuring each seed is coated with the mixture.
  7. Bake in the preheated oven for 1-2 hours, stirring occasionally, until the pumpkin seeds are browned and crispy.
  8. Remove the seeds from the oven and let them cool on the baking sheet.
  9. Store the roasted pumpkin seeds in a covered container or enjoy them right away!

Ingredient Substitutions and Dietary Considerations:

  • For a vegan option, substitute the Worcestershire sauce with a vegan version or soy sauce, and use a plant-based butter alternative instead of dairy butter.
  • To add a kick of spice, consider adding a pinch of cayenne pepper or smoked paprika to the seasoning.
  • If sodium is a concern, use low-sodium Worcestershire sauce or soy sauce, and consider reducing the salt to 1/4 teaspoon.

Cinnamon Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

Prep time: 15 minutes (up to 4 hours drying time for best results)
Cook time: 1-2 hours
Total time: 1-6 hours
Cuisine: Snack

The sweet cinnamon coating that gives pumpkin seeds a tasty twist. Serve these delightful seeds as they are, or pair them with a warm cup of cider or tea for the ultimate autumnal experience.


  • 2-3 cups raw pumpkin seeds, cleaned, rinsed, dried
  • 3 tablespoons butter, melted
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoons cinnamon
  • 1 tablespoons granulated sugar
  • 1 tablespoons brown sugar

Substitutions: For a vegan or dairy-free option, replace the butter with coconut oil in equal measure.


  1. Separate seeds from any pumpkin pieces and strings. First, cut open a pumpkin and use a spoon or your hands to scoop out the seeds. Be sure to separate them from any remaining pumpkin pulp and strings.
  2. Rinse in warm water and pat dry. Place the separated seeds in a colander and rinse under warm water to remove any remaining pumpkin residue. Transfer the seeds onto a clean dish towel or paper towel and gently pat dry.
  3. Spread seeds on a parchment-lined baking sheet. For the best results, let the seeds air-dry for 2-4 hours on a parchment-lined baking sheet. This will help create a crispier final product.
  4. Preheat oven to 250 degrees Fahrenheit (120 degrees Celsius). This low temperature will allow the seeds to roast slowly, ensuring a crispy texture without burning.
  5. Combine ingredients. After the seeds have dried, add dry ingredients to the melted butter. Stir together and pour evenly over the seeds.
  6. Stir well to coat each seed.
  7. Bake for 1-2 hours, stirring every 15 minutes. Place the baking sheet in the preheated oven and bake the pumpkin seeds for 1-2 hours, or until browned and crispy. Remember to stir the seeds every 15 minutes so they cook evenly and to prevent burning.
  8. Cool and store in a covered container. Once the pumpkin seeds are done roasting, remove them from the oven and let them cool completely. Store the cinnamon roasted pumpkin seeds in an airtight container to keep them fresh.

Toasting In An Air Fryer

If you prefer, you can also toast pumpkin seeds in your air fryer.

Simply toss your dried seeds in a bowl, with the butter and topping ingredients until well-coated. Spread the seasoned seeds in a single layer in the air fryer basket. Cook at 375°F (190°C) for 10-12 minutes or until golden brown and crispy, shaking the basket halfway through to ensure even roasting.

Be sure to watch closely to prevent burning, especially when using sugar to make the sweet pumpkin seeds. Let the seeds cool before enjoying their crunchy, nutritious goodness.

Enjoy your homemade Roasted Pumpkin Seeds as a delightful snack, or share them with friends and family during the festive season. With these simple and satisfying recipes, you'll never want to throw away pumpkin seeds again!